Earn bitcoin with your podcast using Satoshis.Stream

Earn bitcoin as a podcaster!

View the Project on GitHub satoshisstream/satoshis.stream

This service helps podcasters earn bitcoin.

You do not need to run your own node, that is all taken care of (“Uncle Jan node”)! Just register the SatoshisStream node and start earning!

Podcaster? Start now!

Looking for Personal wallets?. These are useful if you are a guest for example.

You can always join the Support group for help!

Satoshis.Stream logo


Image showing withdrawals in a scatter plot

🔊 For podcast listeners

Use an app which supports streaming sats to your favorite podcasters.

🎙 For podcast creators

Two ways of getting sats from your listeners. Join the Support group if you need help!

⚡️ Use this service

  1. Claim your podcast on podcasterwallet. Then click Specify your wallet manually. and SatoshisStream as custom node: 03c457fafbc8b91b462ef0b8f61d4fd96577a4b58c18b50e59621fd0f41a8ae1a4
  2. Install/open Telegram, start a conversation with @SatoshisStreamBot and follow instructions (/claim your feed)

Withdrawal fee is 3% for the service + 1 % to PodcastIndex for a total of 4%

⚡️ DIY: Do it yourself

  1. Set up a Lightning node which supports keysend. RaspiBlitz is an easy FOSS option to set up your own node
  2. Set up channels, make sure you have inbound capacity
  3. Find your node key and your podcast’s RSS URL
  4. Manually add a value block or enter your details on podcasterwallet
  5. Tell your listeners to use an app that supports Podcasting2.0 value
  6. Receive sats

ℹ️ Help for bot users

You can always join the Support group for help! Open an Issue if anything is unclear!

Claiming your feed

  1. Find your RSS url, we will use https://pod.cast/feed.rss as an example.
  2. Type /claim https://pod.cast/feed.rss, you will get a code. Add this code to a one recent shownotes page. Wait some minutes.
  3. Type /claim https://pod.cast/feed.rss again and your node is claimed

Withdrawing funds

  1. First claim your feed
  2. Then type /withdraw, you will see how many sats you can withdraw.
  3. Send a Lightning invoice to the bot, the bot will pay your invoice.

Satoshis.Stream Lightning Node

Node key = 03c457fafbc8b91b462ef0b8f61d4fd96577a4b58c18b50e59621fd0f41a8ae1a4


For developers: TLV Registry

Format of payments:

Thanks Benjamin Bellamy for the logo!